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- Sab, K. and A. Lebée. 2015. Homogenization of heterogeneous thin and thick plates. Wiley, ISBN: 978-111900524-7;978-184821652-5
- François, A. Pineau, A. Zaoui, 2012, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Volume I : Micro- and Macroscopic Constitutive Behaviour. Series : Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 180, Springer Netherlands. ISBN 978-94-007-2546-1
- François, A. Pineau, A. Zaoui, 2013, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Volume II: Fracture Mechanics and Damage. Series : Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Vol. 191, Springer Netherlands. ISBN 978-94-007-4930-6
- D. François, A. Pineau and A. Zaoui, Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Volume III: Exercises and Solutions – Part A: Exercises of Volume I (Micro- and Macroscopic Constitutive Behaviour), and Part B: Exercises of Volume II (Fracture Mechanics and Damage). Also available via
- Lemaitre, J.L. Chaboche, A. Benallal, R. Desmorat, 2009, Mécanique des matériaux solides – 3ème édition, Sciences Sup, Dunod
- Fatigue des Matériaux et des Structures. Sous la direction de C. Bathias et A. Pineau. Hermes – Lavoisier. Vol. 1 : introduction, endurance, amorçage et propagation des fissures, fatigue oligocyclique et gigacyclique. 2008. ISBN: 978-2-7462-1711-9. Vol. 2 : fissures courtes, mécanismes et approche locale, fatigue-corrosion et effet de l’environnement, chargements d’amplitude variable. ISBN: 978-2-7462-1712-6. Vol. 3 : Fatigue à haute température, effet des entailles, polymères et élastomères, approche probabiliste, prévision de la croissance des fissures. 2009. ISBN: 978-2-7462-1713-3. Vol. 4 : fatigue multiaxiale, thermique, de contact, défauts, cumul et tolérance au dommages, 2009, ISBN: 978 -2 -7 462 -17
- Berdin, J. Besson, S. Bugat, R. Desmorat, F. Feyel, S. Forest, E. Lorentz, E. Maire, T. Pardoen, A. Pineau, B. Tanguy (2004) Local approach to fracture, Editeur J. Besson, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines
- S. Forest, E. Lorentz (2004) Localization and regularization, Local Approach to Fracture, ed J. Besson, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris
Chapitres d’Ouvrages
- Echerradi I., Weisz-Patrault D., Peigney M. A Direct Method for Cyclic Crystal Plasticity with Application to High-Cycle Fatigue (2023) Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 101, pp. 177 – 202
- V. Bonnand, J .-B. Le Graverend, M. Bartsch, Mechanical characterization at high temperature , in: Nickel Base Single Crystals Across Length Scales, L. Naze, V. Maurel, G. Eggeler, J. Cormier, G. Cailletaud Eds, Elsevier, 2022.
- Y. Le Bouar, A. Finel, B. Appolaire, M. Cottura, Phase field models for modeling microstructure evolution in single-crystal Ni-base superalloys, in: Nickel Base Single Crystals Across Length Scales, p. 379-399, Elsevier, 2022.
- X. Lu, J. Yvonnet, F. Detrez, J. Bai, Modélisation électromécanique non linéaire multi-échelle de nanocomposites graphène-polymère, In: Nanocomposites, caractérisation et modélisation, J. Bai (Ed), ISTE-Wiley, 2021.
- Scherer, J.-M., Besson, J., Implementation of constitutive equations for single crystals in finite element codes (2022) in: Nickel Base Single Crystals Across Length Scales, Elsevier, pp. 473-494.
- Duballet, R., Mesnil, R., Ducoulombier, N., Carneau, P., Demont, L., Motamedi, M., Baverel, O., Caron, J-F., Dirrenberger, J. (2020). Free deposition printing for space truss structures. Springer Nature. RILEM Bookseries. ISSN:2211-0844.
- Rogalski, N., Cluzel, C., & Laporte, S. (2020). A method for the quantification of architectural anisotropy in cancellous bone samples using CT images . Springer. Book Series . SSN: 18698433 .
- Dirrenberger J., Forest S., Jeulin D. (2019) Computational Homogenization of Architectured Materials. In: Estrin Y., Bréchet Y., Dunlop J., Fratzl P. (eds) Architectured Materials in Nature and Engineering. Springer Series in Materials Science, vol 282 , p 89-139. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-11941-6
- Buljac, A., Shakoor, M., Neggers, J., Bernacki, M., Bouchard, P. -O., Helfen, L., Morgeneyer T. F., Hild, F. (2018) Experimental-Numerical Validation Framework for Micromechanical Simulations. In: Sorić J., Wriggers P., Allix O. (eds) Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol 86. Springer, Cham. P. 147-161.
- Cadot, O., Ducceschi, M., Humbert, T., Miquel, B., Mordant, N., Josserand, C., and Touzé, C. (2016). Wave turbulence in vibrating plates. In Handbook of Applications of Chaos Theory. 425-448. CRC Press. ISBN: 978-146659044-1;978-146659043-4
- Taillandier-Thomas T., Morgeneyer T., Roux S., Hild F. (2015) On the Use of Regularized DVC to Analyze Strain Localization. In: Jin H., Sciammarella C., Yoshida S., Lamberti L. (eds) Advancement of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3, p. , 161-166. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-319-06985-2
- Forest S., Ammar K., Appolaire B., Cordero N., Gaubert A. (2014) Micromorphic approach to crystal plasticity and phase transformation. In: Schröder J., Hackl K. (eds) Plasticity and Beyond. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, vol 550, p. 131-198. Springer, Vienna. ISBN : 978-3-7091-1624-1
- Robach, C. Kirchlechner, J.S. Micha, O. Ulrich, X. Biquard, O. Geaymond, O. Castelnau, M. Bornert, J. Petit, S. Berveiller, O. Sicardy, J. Villanova, F. Rieutord, ”Chapter 5 : Laue microdiffraction at ESRF”, p 156-204, in Strain and dislocation gradients from diffraction, Eds: Barabash R.I., Ice G.E. ,”Imperial College Press” / ”World Scientific Publishing” (2014)
- Jehel P., Léger P., Ibrahimbegovic A. (2013) Structural Seismic Fragility Analysis of RC Frame with a New Family of Rayleigh Damping Models. In: Papadrakakis M., Stefanou G., Papadopoulos V. (eds) Computational Methods in Stochastic Dynamics. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, vol 26, p 267-291. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN : 978-94-007-5133-0
- Prudhomme S., Bouclier R., Chamoin L., Dhia H.B., Oden J.T. (2012) Analysis of an Averaging Operator for Atomic-to-Continuum Coupling Methods by the Arlequin Approach. In: Engquist B., Runborg O., Tsai YH. (eds) Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Computations. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 82, p. 369-400. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-21942-9
- Bornert, M., Hild, F., Orteu, J., & Roux, S. (2012). Digital image correlation. In Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics, p157-190. Ed: M. Grédiac, F. Hild, A. Pineau, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN:9781848212947
- Crépin, J., & Roux, S. (2012). From microstructure to constitutive laws. In Full-Field Measurements and Identification in Solid Mechanics, p 411-438. Ed: M. Grédiac, F. Hild, A. Pineau, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN:9781848212947
- Bourcier, M., A. Dimanov, E. Héripré, J. L. Raphanel, M. Bornert, and G. Desbois. (2012). Full Field Investigation of Salt Deformation at Room Temperature: Cooperation of Crystal Plasticity and Grain Sliding. (2012). In Mechanical Behaviour of Salt VII, 37-44. Ed: Pierre Bérest, Mehdi Ghoreychi, Faouzi Hadj-Hassen, Michel Tijani. CRC Press, ISBN: 978-020310076-9
- Besson J., Desmorat R., Lois de comportement pour les matériaux endommageables, in : Endommagement et rupture des matériaux 1, dir. M. Clavel, P. Bompard, 2009, Hermès, p. 295-338
- T. Bretheau, O. Castelnau (2006) Les contraintes résiduelles : d’où viennent-elles ? Comment les caractériser ? Rayons X et Matière (RX2006), Chap. 5 (p. 123-154), Ed. R. Guinebretière, P. Goudeau, Hermès