The IRP is endowed with various tools to establish the cooperation and enhance exchanges of researchers and sharing of knowledge.
Workshops taking place at both places are needed to bring together researchers
Exchanges of researchers over periods ranging from one week to three months were fruitful and will be pursued in the spirit of “Chercheurs en résidence” in French, Professori e ricercatori in visita prolungata in Italian.
The other actions which will be maintained are the following:
International Summer Schools open to researchers from and outside the LIA.
Participation to the organization of international conferences belonging to cycles of existing conferences like ICMM (International Conference on Material Modeling) or IWCMM (International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials).
PhD students co-advised by members of the IRP.
The IRP promote Master students from Paris or Rome on research subjects related to the IRP.
Publication of joint papers by the members of the LIA. Journals like Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, ZAMM, ZAMP, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynam- ics, Archives of Applied Mechanics are particularly suitable. In addition, the journal Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, published by the M&MoCS is a no- author-fee, open-access, peer-reviewed journal now indexed on Scopus.